Therapy Services

Animal assisted therapy is conducted by a master-level, licensed counselor within the boundaries of their professional degree.  The counselor works with their registered therapy animal, focusing on the client’s specific goals. 
Please contact Christi at  for more information.

Christi Dudzik working with students at her facility in Woodinville, Washington.

Christi Dudzik working with students at her facility in Woodinville, Washington.

Services with individuals

Healing Paws works in private practice with individuals who have developed cynophobia (fear of dogs). We work with children to adults, to assist in overcoming their fear of dogs. We employ a systematic approach, customized to the needs of the individual.


Services within healthcare facilities

Healing Paws provides professional animal assisted therapy on a contractual basis with health-care institutions. Healing Paws meets with facility staff to determine the patient or client populations' needs, as well as facility standards and expectations prior to the implementation of the service.  

Healing Paws provides goal-specific:

  • one-to-one counseling sessions

  • co-treatment group therapy sessions

  • co-treatment sessions with the rehabilitation staff

Services for companies and organizations - employee dogs at work

Healing Paws works with you and your employees to assure that allowing dogs at work is done in a mindful way. It must be a positive experience for everyone. Bringing one’s dog into the work place requires a different mindset. The training includes evaluating the appropriateness of each dog for the work place.The handler learns they and their dog are a team. They need to be able to read any situation and be responsible for the dog’s well-being and the well-being of their coworkers. So that everyone, is operating on the same page, Healing Paws provides a structured program and templates for pertinent forms, such as New Dog-Employee Procedure, Dog in Office Plan, and Dog Agreement Contract.
Healing Paws also provides group meetings for employees who are fearful of dogs and want to be less so.